OVation Reward Frequently asked questions

Absolutely not! Sign-up is 100% free!

Contact customer service by emailing customerservice@englishridingsupply.com and our team will be happy to assist you with merging your accounts.

You will only receive points for purchases made after creating your rewards account. Make sure to create an account before placing an order so you can receive points!

When you are signed into your rewards account, your home page will list all of the rewards tiers. Your current tier and perks will be highlighted with a box around it.

Your points will expire after 6 months of inactivity. Inactivity includes not interacting with our program i.e., redeeming points, placing an order, etc.

Add your email to the referral tab above, then on the next slide add your friends and begin earning points for their purchases!

You earn 50 points for sharing your birthday with us! You will see these points in your account 30 days after you share your birthday.